Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh be careful little mouth what you say!

For my oh so few readers, I would like to apologize for the length of the last post! I was really on a roll!

Yesterday, my sister and I, along with her sweet mother-in-law, Clara, went to a Ladies Easter Tea at the Montrose Bible Conference. It was so nice to take a much needed respite in the middle of a busy week to reflect on Holy Week and Easter. The music, a dramatic monologue, and the message all served my need to just worship with Jesus.

I love church, but sometimes I do get caught up in the details and miss the Holy Spirit filling up my soul. An attitude of worship has new meaning to me now that I'm a mother. I hope it doesn't sound selfish, but I just love to be fed and filled with our Lord uninterrupted.

The speaker yesterday at our tea, gave a wonderful message on taking care how we use our words. It sounds pretty obvious, but we are ALL guilty of not using our words to honor God. I know I am much quicker to speak than to listen. I rarely think before I speak. And while I don't want to admit to being guilty of the G word (gossip), I know that I am. She gave some examples that really hit home too! I was definitely "Rootching" in my chair, and not just because the room was Hot! Or was it really hot? Anyway, she also gave some advice on how to be more honorable to others and to God with what we say ... and don't say. I pray that it stays in my heart and that as I try to do better in this area of my life, it becomes a healthy habit!

I've also noticed that Eric is a little bolder with his language too now that he is talking more. He is getting to be a pretty good/bad backtalker. I guess we have something in common to work on together!

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