Saturday, April 14, 2007

BFF: MOM-Style or Ode To Gail

I have not had a post lately ... because I've been reading so many blogs lately that by the time I get around to doing my own, I'm exhausted, or have just spent too long on the computer.

But in my blog reading Beth Moore from Living Proof Ministries made an entry about how glad her daughter had good mom friends, and how much she appreciated having a mom friend. This led Sarah from In the Midst of It to post about her mom friend and Clemntine from What's up Buttercup to talk about her mom friend experiences. And it just so happens that my best mom friend just created a post about me being her best mom friend, and so.....

It's my turn to tell you about Gail, my best mom friend!

(A mom friend to me is different than say school friends, college friends, work friends, etc. What makes a mom friend is 1. We are both moms 2. We need each other to talk about the mom thing and the wife thing and all the other roles we play and 3. We would be best buddies even if we didn't have kids or husbands or other roles to play because there is so much more we appreciate about each other.)

Here's my side of the story of meeting Gail. I saw her at a women's bible study that I had just started attending so I didn't know many people and I was trying to learn everyone's name and sizing them up in my mind. When I saw Gail, I thought, "Oh, she's very pretty and she sings so beautifully, and she seems so nice. I wonder if I'll ever get to know her." And the next week, she sat right behind me, singing to Jesus in her beautiful voice. And then we happened to be in the same Bible study class and sat right next to each other! We chatted a little bit ... small talk and I think it was mostly about our husbands ... how they were BIG sports fans and would probably get along well together. I was pregnant with Eric and Gail was excited for me I could tell. I know I left the church that day happier and remember even telling Kevin about meeting her. We shared small talk a few times and when I missed Bible study a few weeks in a row, she called me to check on me. And then she kept calling and invited Kevin and I to her house for New Year's Eve. And then she came to see me in the hospital when Eric was born with the cutest little outfit.

Well, I have been in love with her and our friendship since the first day I met her and I am sooooo blessed and thankful for her taking the lead early in our friendship because, to be honest, I thought she was too nice and pretty and talented to want to be my friend. And it's not because my self esteem is that low, but it's just what I thought in my silly old head.

I hadn't had a great friend since college, so Gail was a Godsend. She and I had BOTH been praying to meet another woman friend to connect with in a special meaningful friendship and I can say in all truth, it has been such a sweet and blessed answer from God.

Last night, she and I went shopping and she helped me find the perfect curtain rods and valances for my living room. Afterward we stopped for a cup of tea and coffee and we chatted non-stop and laughed and giggled and it was sooooo wonderful! If I could bottle the evenings joy and sell it, it would be worth thousands!!

Thank you Gail! You always make me want to be a better person. You are just beautiful, gifted, kind, generous, loving, motivated, organized, neat, fun, and smart. You are a great wife and mom. I learn so much from you. And you are the best darn tea brewer I know! It tastes so much better when you make it.

So thank you God for Gail! "Jennie + Gail = Best Friends Forever"

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