Monday, July 30, 2007

Over the Hump

I think we've finally turned the corner in the potty training saga. Eric is finally using the potty! He tells us when he has to go ... most of the time. We still need to remind him throughout the day and ask him from time to time to "just try". In 10 days we've only had 5 accidents.

Of course there are little things to master, such as ... pull up your pants before you leave the bathroom, "shake it " over the potty, don't touch toilet seats with your hands, DEFINITELY do not put your hands in "the stream", and other such nuances of potty etiquette. I haven't even really got to Wiping yet.

I must say, this whole experience has been and is as bad as everyone said it would be. When moms would say, "Oh just wait until potty training!", I now totally know what they meant. To you mothers of mere babes, "Just wait!" I have absolutely no advice to offer ...only luck!!

In case I have failed to mention in all my whining and introspection, I am soooo proud of Eric. Every time he runs to the bathroom on his own, my heart leaps and when he announces his good effort, I am cheering him on all the way. This is a major passageway into boyhood from babyhood. And by boy is doing it well.
Way to Go Eric. Mommy really is as proud of you as she tells you she is ... maybe even more.

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Bird Humming & More Potty Training Chronicles

It's such a gorgeous sunny day ... fluffy clouds ...0% humidity ...and even a gentle breeze.

This is such a welcome relief after the extreme heat and humidity early in the week. I feel like today is the rainbow after the great flood. And in all honesty, would I be able to appreciate today so much if I had not suffered Sun. - Wed.?

The potty training continues. As the opening of school is Aug. 27th and looming closer, I get more and more anxious for Eric to be done. Sometimes I think we are making real progress 2 times he's actually told us he had to go, and then did. And then I feel like he is developmentally behind the other night when he pooped in his pull up twice within a 1/2 hour. I mean, what's so hard about going to the potty? I think math is way harder. Does this mean fractions and algebra are going to be worse than this? I dread the thought. I'll start praying now.

I have already turned potty training over to the Lord. When Eric says his prayers each night I also have him say, "Help me to pee in the potty and help me to poop in the potty, too." And then I have him say, "Be with mommy and daddy and help them have patience," because by bedtime we are almost all out.

One special moment yesterday morning when I told Eric to sit on the potty and he was ignoring me and trying to change the subject fast, he said, "Mommy, I just want to look in your window and see a bird humming." (We have humming bird feeders on our picture window and the little darlings are very active and fun to watch!) Potty training stopped being important for just that one minute, when I delighted in my son and his sweet little boyhood innocence.

Then I remembered that he was totally playing me to avoid the potty.

So we compromised. I pulled the little potty in the living room facing the window so he could sit and do business while he watched for ....

a bird humming!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Successfully employed for a week!

Friday evening ... Eric is all tucked in bed after stories and songs, the house is picked up, a favorite soft music cd is on, Kevin just came home from work, and I have 1 week of work under my belt (with a holiday in there, too!).

I'm not going to lie. I feel a little more spent than I usually do. I am so incredibly grateful that I get to ease back into work with 3 1/2 hr days for a few weeks before I go to full days. I also want to add that I like my job, the school, and the people I'm working with. I feel incredibly blessed.

And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends, family and church for their wonderful love and support. So many of you have said or sent a kind word of encouragement, helped with Eric, given me gifts, and prayed devotedly. All of it has meant the world to me and I do so appreciate it and you. I love you all so much!!

As for potty training: This past week was a bit of a setback, but we are not daunted. Lots of change and mom and dad have not been as diligent either with reminders and encouragement. We will start anew tomorrow with big boy underwear! I counted 9 pair that are clean tonight. That should get us through tomorrow even if every time is an accident. We are going to save pull ups for long outings and overnight only (and if Gail wants them for naptime ...I wouldn't blame her ... no fun washing blankets if an accident happens)!

So tonight I'm going to bed tired, overwhelmed a bit, but feeling loved! God is great and life is good.